


Hi, I’m Yvonne from appcycle and I currently work as a part-time worker on the Global Marketing Team. I was an intern at appcycle for 3 months, and have been a part-time worker for 7 months now. Today, I ‘ll be showing you what it’s like to work for my company!





Part-time as a University Student


I usually start my day at work by making a to-do list of my tasks for the day. One thing I love about working at appcycle is the flexibility. Right now, I’m in my third year of university in Japan which is why I’m in a part-time position. I work on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays and typically have classes on the other days of the week. Because I was allowed to choose the days I work, I’m able to focus on both my schoolwork and my position in Global Marketing!



Working Remotely


I normally attend meetings once or twice a week, over zoom. And that’s another thing I like about appcycle! Even though I’m an international student, they welcomed me into the company. We’re still a start-up from Aomori, and we’re trying to expand globally so we have a small but diverse team of members regardless of nationality or language. Now, I get to participate in meetings with all the people involved in the company, and I get to learn more about them and their work. Before I became a part-timer, I also experienced being co-interns with people from all over the world! It’s a truly unique and enlightening experience.




Learning On the Job


Finally, my favorite thing about my position at appcycle is how much I learn from my job. Since we’re a start-up, I have a lot of responsibilities that I would not otherwise have in other positions. You might’ve seen my work on our Instagram account where I appear in most of the Reels , but I’m also in charge of editing the photos and graphics that appear on the page! Aside from that, I write blog articles, attend meetings, and even go to events to support and spread the word about our company. I’ve learned so much about sustainable business practices, apple leather, and Aomori and I think that the position has given me a lot of insight as to what it’s like working in the field of Marketing .





And that’s about everything I do as a part-time worker for appcycle! We hope that you liked this sneak peek into our company. Be on the look-out for more articles in this series where we explore the point of view of different members of appcycle! If you’re interested, don’t forget to check out the rest of this blog, and follow us on our official Facebook and Instagram accounts!